Bread is a Climate-Friendly Food


We think bread is pretty much the perfect food, and research (relating to its climate impact) agrees. Bread is one of the best food categories when it comes to the level of greenhouse gasses emitted across a variety of dimensions. It is one of the most planet-friendly choices based on both a caloric and protein density measure, beaten only by legumes and nuts.

The food we eat has a significant impact on our planet. About one third of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions can be traced back to our food system. 

The majority of the associated emissions come from the growing or raising of food–things like the methane emitted by cattle, the nitrous oxide from conventional fertilizer, and the clear-cutting of carbon sinks like rainforests to create more farmland. Refrigeration, food waste and food packaging manufacturing contribute as well, but to a lesser degree.

At Bread Alone, we believe in accountability and action at a governmental, organizational and individual level to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. The food we decide to produce and eat is the perfect case study for how each of us can do our part. At every meal, we have the opportunity to choose an option that is gentler to our planet.

When you add organic, the carbon footprint of bread is even more preferable, with better eco-toxicity and beneficial biodiversity outcomes as well. Whole grains increase the protein levels and other health benefits of our breads, while regional growing and milling limits the food miles of our grains.

Animal-based foods rank the worst among food categories emitting greenhouse gasses. We enjoy a good burger as much as the next person, but believe in being intentional about when and how we eat meat. We’ve purposefully introduced delicious plant-forward menus at our cafes to offer more choices with lower emissions.

Making good, organic sourdough breads more widely available is just one of the ways we do our part to lighten our load on planet earth.

Break Bread, Make Peace!


Our Pizza Stand is Open!


Phase 1: kingston oven installation