Sourdough for all!

Most store-bought breads are packed with additives, like mold inhibitors, that require sugar to mask their unpalatable taste. We believe honest, nourishing, and delicious foods are perishable. Our fermentation process creates bread that is better for you, tastes great and lasts plenty long—without preservatives.

Why Sourdough?

It’s better for you.

Low Glycemic Index

Unlike commercial breads made using yeast, slow fermentation reduces bad starches, leading to a significantly lower glycemic index (the measure of how much a specific food increases your blood sugar levels). [1] Instead of the spikes you get from most commercial breads, sourdough won’t make your blood sugar rise dramatically when you eat it, reducing the risk factors for Type 2 Diabetes and keep you satiated longer. [2] Sourdoughs made with whole grains increase fiber content and lower GI further.

Bioavailable nutrients

Fermenting wheat flour helps break down naturally occurring elements in bread, like phytic acid, that normally prevent the absorption of nutrients when a food is eaten containing them. This process allows the body to absorb the beneficial nutrients in bread. [3]

Easier to Digest

Sourdough’s long fermentation breaks down the difficult-to-digest enzymes in wheat–lowering the levels of gluten and compounds like FODMAPS, phytates, tannins and trypsin inhibitors. This can improve the digestibility of bread for many people. [4]

Antioxidant & nutrient rich

Antioxidants in bread? Yes! Fermented foods, like sourdough, contain a greater level of healthful components with higher antioxidant, anti-hypertensive, anti-diabetic and FODMAP-reducing activity. [5]

It’s simply better bread!

complex flavor

Fermentation is key to building robust flavor in bread–as microbes feed on the starch in the wheat flour, they produce flavor compounds (acids, aldehydes, and esters) that lead to the complex smell and taste of the loaf. [6]

naturally longer lasting

Fermentation produces acetic acid, which naturally preserves the bread and prevents mold. This means we don’t have to use toxic and unpleasant tasting mold inhibitors to maintain shelf life. [7]

no additives needed

Due to the flavor and longevity that develop naturally in sourdough, we don’t need to add unnecessary sugars or oils to try and achieve flavor, or use additives to cover up the unpleasant taste of preservatives.

perfectly imperfect

Fermentation strengthens the elasticity of the dough, leading to a stronger and more beautiful crumb that holds up to a spread or sandwich toppings.

time is THE key ingredient

With sourdough, time is as important as flour, salt or water. Each and every one of our sliced sourdough breads ferment for over 24 hours.

our sourdough starters

We maintain five different sourdough starters that lend a unique profile to our various breads. Flavor builds based on the type of grain feeding the starter and the level of hydration.