Levain Recipe


Pain au Levain

Pain au levain started it all at Bread Alone. This recipe will make one boule of our classic.

We wanted to share our recipe with you, but there are so many fantastic resources online for beginning sourdough bakers we encourage you to explore! This guide from NYT Cooking is one of our favorites.


105 g Sourdough culture 21%

375 g (1 ¾ cup) Water, room temperature 75%

450 g (3 ¾ cups) Bread Flour, sifted (White) 90%

50 g (¼ cup) Flour, Whole Wheat 10%

13 g (1 TBS) Water 2.5

14 g (3 TSP) Salt 2.8%


Dough scraper sharp knife or razor blade scale

Banneton or bowl with tea towel probe thermometer

TOTAL TIME: 25 hours ACTIVE TIME: 30 minutes


In medium sized bowl, mix sourdough with water and stir vigorously until frothy.  Add flour and mix until a rough dough forms.

  1. AUTOLYZE: cover and let rest 30 minutes

  2. Add salt to the dough  and mix until incorporated into dough.  Drizzle in water and mix thoroughly.

  3. Transfer to a lightly oiled bowl or plastic container. Place a lid or damp towel over, but not touching, dough.

  4. Over the next 3 hours, turn, or fold, the dough three times (every 30 minutes) by first dipping one hand in water to prevent the dough sticking to it and then lift the dough from the center 1’-2’ above the bowl, letting the dough hang down momentarily and then allowing the dough to fold over itself before letting go of the center and placing back in the bowl.  Repeat this action. (There are many variations to folding dough - feel free to experiment!)

  5. After final fold, let dough rest 30 minutes before proceeding

  1. PREPARE FOR FINAL SHAPE - Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured counter and leave for 5 minutes uncovered.

  2. Prepare your banneton (or bowl with tea towel) by sifting a dusting of flour over it.

  3. Shape your boule by either rounding the dough gently or by grasping the top of the dough and folding to the center, grasping the bottom of the dough and folding to the center and doing the same for the sides.  Turn this ‘package’ over using your dough scraper and gently round the dough, using the countertop to gain some tension.  

  4. Flip your dough over and place in prepared banneton or bowl. The smooth top is now on the bottom and you can see the ‘folds’.  

  5. Place your loaf in the refrigerator overnight (or up to 24 hours).  No cover necessary.

  6. About 1 hour before baking, place a baking stone or Dutch oven (top and bottom-if using) on the middle rack of the oven and heat the oven to 500F.  If using a baking stone, place a cast iron pan on the lowest oven shelf and have a few ice cubes ready to place on it when you put your loaf in the oven.

  7. Remove your loaf from the refrigerator 35 - 50 minutes before ready to bake.

  8. Prepare your sharp knife or straight edge razor.

  9. Turn your loaf out onto a peel and then onto the baking stone or into the Dutch oven base.  Make a few slashes in the dough with a sharp knife and if using the baking stone place ice cubes on the cast iron pan.  Place lid on Dutch oven is using. In either case - quickly close the door.

  10. Reduce the temperature to 450F.

  11. Bake for 30 minutes (remove lid from Dutch oven if using).  Check on bread and continue baking for 25 - 30 minutes more.  (Internal temperature should be 190F)

  12. Remove from oven onto a cooling rack - enjoy the aroma!


Earth Day 2020


Levain Formula